Well, after 3+ years of not trapping I got back into it this year and today I got my first targeted animal this year. Earlier this week I got a squirrel and an opossum. Raccoon is what I set my sig
Tag: Trapping
Pennsylvania Bobcat And Fisher Season!
Yesterday the PGC released the adopted 2010-11 seasons and bag limits. Among them a Bobcat season in which all licensed furtakers can obtain one permit! Also new is a Fisher season following the sa
Coyote Skinning Video
I found a good Coyote skinning video. This really applies to more than just coyote, because the way you do the ears and legs are very similar to skinning a fox. How To Skin A Coyote from On Stand P
09/10 Trapping Season Is Over
Trapping season ended yesterday. I had a fairly slow season due to a very reduced trap line mainly because of college work. I ended the season with only one possum, but I still had a good season. T