A trapper who catches non-target animals, as all trappers do at some point in time, needs some way of retrieving them safely out of the trap. A catch pole, which is similar to that a dog catcher might use, can be used to hold a trapped non-target animal’s teeth and claws away from the trapper while he sets the animal free. A catch pole can also double as a humane killing device for target animals by means of suffocation.
Because, I am a naturally cheap person I decided to build my own catch pole instead of buying one. The main body of the pole is made out of conduit pipe. Threaded through the conduit is a steel cable covered in plastic, which then hooks unto a chain for the handle end of the pole.
While I think that catch poles might typically be longer I decided on a three feet long pole, because it weighed a lot less than a four or a five pole would. As an added bonus, it will be easier to navigate through heavy brush with a shorter pole. On the downside I have to be closer to the animal that I want to put it on, which is something I might regret if I catch a really big dog or coyote.
To make the catch pole I drilled a hole in about an inch from the end of the pole. Then, I threaded the chain through the pole and attached in onto the end of the cable. Next, I put the other end of the cable through the hole I drilled making a loop. To secure the cable, I crimped a couple of nuts to the end of the cable inside of the pole, to keep the cable from pulling back out of the hole. On the other end of the pole I made a notch big enough for the chain to fit into, so that once I have something in the pole I can lock the loop size in place.
Finlay to finish the pole up I made loop out of the chain, for a hand hold, and secured it with a nut and bolt.