Last Saturday I mailed in for the second round of antlerless deer tags. I already mailed in for the first round a few weeks ago and it did not come back so, I should have at least one antlerless tag this year!
The PGC’s new license system seems like it will work much easier than the old write by hand way. Now they just print out your license and any stamps you need right there at the store. Also they swiped my driver’s license when I bought the license so supposedly next time I buy a license all my information will be automatically be filled out. That should help those lines that always seem to appear when the time to send in the antlerless deer tag grows near, move a little faster. Another new thing they added to their is system is a pre-printed antlerless deer application, so as I recall you just needed to pick the WMU and sign my name on it. So that is another bit of a time saver for the hunter.
Also new this year is an online game harvester reporting system which will supposedly save the PGC money on postage for the report cards. While using the online reporting system is optional I would encourgage everyone to use it because the PGC saving money is a good thing–espacaily in view of the fact that increasing lisencing fees is a topic that has been poping up the last few years.