Made A Side Plate For CVA A Muzzleloader

gun build 1 side plateOne of the other things I was missing from my CVA kit was a side plate. So I made one!

To start off with I went through my Track Of The Wolf catalog until I found a side plate I liked. Handily, their parts have life sized pictures.  Then I traced over the side plate and used carbon paper to transfer its outline to a piece of paper.

After I had a good outline that seemed to fit well on the stock I cut it out of a piece of steel then started grinding to a closer fit. In the picture here the plate is still a bit too big. After I drilled the holes in the plate I further trimmed it some to make it fit nicely.

I choose to use steel over the traditional brass for one main reason. I didn’t have any sheets of brass laying around, but I did have steel laying around. Some guns were actually build using steel hardware so its actually not fully incorrect historically. Most importantly, it was good practice for me in building a plate that is the proper size.

2 thoughts on “Made A Side Plate For CVA A Muzzleloader

    1. Not really. It was just steel that used to be a lid on a steel container from a factory. Really its just a big washer so I don’t think tempering will be necessary as long as its thick enough that it won’t bend.

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