On the final day of the season I jumped two antlerless deer that were about 150yards away so I passed on that shot. I think the deer were the same two that early on in the week I had jumped about 3
Tag: deer Season
First Week Of Pennsylvania Flintlock Season
Well, this first week of PA Rocklock Season has been interesting. The first Saturday I shot at an antlerless deer, but missed. Since last Saturday I have not seen a deer, however, I have been seein
Final Day Of October Muzzleloader Season
Today I went to a State Game Land to hunt. However, I did not see anything, but one grey squirrel. I spoke with three different groups of hunters and mostly people were saying that they did not see
Fifth Day Of Muzzleloader Season
I watched a small section of a field this evening for a couple of hours before dusk with my flintlock. However, I did not see anything.
Third day of muzzleloading season
This evening I took my flintlock out to watch a field, I spooked about a 4-point buck, then towards at 6:30 I saw two antlerless deer come out. I guessed them to be at a long 100yard. Being greedy
Second day of muzzleloader season
Went out again today with my flintlock. It was nice not worrying about rain getting in my priming powder today. Unfortunately I did not see any deer today, but I did see a bunch of squirrels and a
First day of muzzleloader season
On the first day of muzzleloader season I ventured out into the rain a little before 7 o’clock with my flintlock rifle. After it was starting time I started still hunting into the woods. Abou
Checked Out a State Gameland Today
Today I decided to check out a State Gameland that is more or less on the way home from where I go to college. Since I have only hunted there once very briefly in the past I have very little knowle
The Last Day Of Deer Season — A Deer!
The last day of deer season has come and gone and I have a deer! After hunting on a SGL with no success, my father, brother and I drove to another of our hunting spots. My father decided to do a dr
Deer Season — Fired My Gun Again!
After a long hard day of hunting with my dad, I again got to shoot at a deer. My father and I were walking back to our car when I saw two deer running in the woods in front of us, so I walked out i