Yesterday the PGC released the adopted 2010-11 seasons and bag limits. Among them a Bobcat season in which all licensed furtakers can obtain one permit! Also new is a Fisher season following the sa
Tag: fox
Trapping And The Weather
After the weeks of snow and cold the fox have been out for the past few days. Yesterday, I found an abundance of fox tracks near a hay set that I had removed the traps from back when the weather ha
3rd Fox Of The Season — A Red Fox!
The hay set is a really great set! This is my 3rd fox of this trapping season which breaks my record of two in one season which I set last year. This fox weighed in at 6 pounds, a little on the lig
Second Fox Of The Season — A Grey Fox
Now that deer season is over, I am starting to put out more sets and “freshen” up the existing sets that I ran during deer season. Last Friday, after it stopped raining, I went out and
5th Day of Buck Season: A Great Day
Today I started my day of hunting, by driving a patch of woods. About halfway through the woods, when I stopped for a few seconds to listen, three does jumped out of the edge of the woods and ran u
Update On My Trapping — More Duke Traps — Fox and Coyote Tracks
So far this season I have caught the fox, I previously posted about, and a possum I caught just last Wednesday. There have been a lot of fox tracks around though so the fox are there. In preparatio
Saturday, First Day Of Fall Turkey Season
Last Saturday, marked the beginning of fall turkey season. On that day, I managed to get into the woods while it was fairly dark. However, it might not have been quite dark enough, because as I was
4th Day Of Trapping Season: A Grey Fox
My first catch of this trapping season is a Grey fox! The first day of trapping season begin last Sunday, which found me with still un-waxed traps. Sunday afternoon I managed to get four of my eigh
Frozen Traps
Last Friday night was a good night for trapping foxes. There were fox prints by four of my sets, one set of foot prints right on the top of my trap at a dirt hole set. Unfortunately I caught no fox
A Grey Fox with a Cable Restraint
I have caught another fox, this time with a cable restraint. While it was still alive as it should be with cable restraints. The fox had tangled some grass in the swivel of the cable restraint so i